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international experts board

The management lab works with a global network of strategic advisors that provide relevant insight and strategic direction. 

Dr Diane Gashumba, MD, M(Ped)

Dr Diane Gashumba was the Minister of Health for Rwanda from 2016-2020.  She served also as Minister of Gender and Family Promotion. Before joining the Government, she served as Deputy chief of party for The Rwanda Family Health Project.  A Senior paediatrician and seasoned global health leader and gender advocate, she combines clinical expertise and Gender. She served as a board member for the GFF, The Rwanda Social Security Board, Elected former President of the Social Commission for the Rwanda Medical Association and The Treasurer of the Paediatric Association. 


She currently serves as a board member for Roll Back Malaria partnerships, and Global health Corps. She was  recently nominated by the WHO Director-General as co-chair of the Digital Health Advisory Group. Under the Championship of HE President Kagame, and together with her peers African Ministers of Health, she worked with Global Fund and the African Union Secretariat to initiate the advocacy aiming at increasing Domestic Financing Initiative in Africa. She has successfully negotiated the establishment in Rwanda of the High-Tech Centre for excellence for research and minimally invasive surgeries for Africa (IRCAD) that will reform the prevention and management of Cancer in Africa. 


Former President of the National Women Council, she is a leading global advocate for investment in gender equality and health, rights, and wellbeing of girls and women with a specific focus on reproductive health and economic empowerment, active and innovative fight against cervical cancer, bringing a strong experience in empowering women through initiation of income generating activities, Early Childhood Development, Gender and women health related policy elaboration and implementation. She has worked closely with reputable global organizations such as WHO, USAID, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UNITAID, Sc Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, Susan Thompson And Buffet Foundation, Welcome Trust, AMREF for Health in Africa on impactful projects aiming at bridging the gaps in gender and health equity.


Professor Michel Kazatchkine, M.D.

Professor Michel Kazatchkine has over 35 years of experience in global health as a leading physician, researcher, administrator,advocate, policymaker, and diplomat. He attended medical school in Paris and completed postdoctoral fellowships at St. Mary’s hospital in London and Harvard Medical School. He is Emeritus Professor of Immunology at René Descartes University in Paris and has authored or co-authored over 500 scientific publications.


Professor Kazatchkine has played key roles in various organizations, serving as Director of the national Agency for Research on AIDS in France and French ambassador on HIV/AIDS and communicable diseases. In 2007, Professor Kazatchkine was elected Executive Director of the Global Fund to fight AIDS,Tuberculosis and Malaria, a position in which he served until March 2012. Between 2012 and 2017, Professor Kazatchkine served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Since 2018, he is the Special Advisor to the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


He is also Senior Fellow with the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva, and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Professor Kazatchkine holds Honorary Degrees from Imperial College, London, the Free University of Brussels, the Catholic University of Louvain and the University of Geneva. He is an Officer of the Légion d’Honneur in France and the recipient of several other national Orders and national/ international awards.


Yves Leterme

Former Prime Minister Yves Leterme holds Master Degrees in Law and in Management of the Public Sector.


After a start of his professional career as an Auditor at the Belgian Court of Auditors and later as an Administrator at the European Parliament, Yves Leterme engaged in a 25 year-long political career during which he held numerous elected and executive positions at all levels in Belgium. He was leader of the opposition in the federal parliament, Senator, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party, Minister President of Flanders, deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister of Belgium (2008-2011). During Yves Leterme’s tenure as Prime Minister, Belgium held the Presidency of the European Union. 


After leaving belgian politics, Yves Leterme acted as Deputy Secretary General of the OECD (2011 – 2014) and Secretary General of International IDEA-Democracy Promotion (2014-2019).


Recently, Yves Leterme has been active as member of the Supervisory Board of Tele Columbus AG  (2014-2020) (Berlin – D)and member of the Global Sustainability Council of Volkswagen AG (2016-2020) (Wolfsburg - D). He was also appointed as Chief Investigator Financial Fairplay at UEFA. (2015-2021) (Nyon – CH) He is currently Chairman of Tojoy EMEA SAS (Paris).


Yves Leterme is Board Member of the World Leadership Association-Club de Madrid, Trustee of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, Board Member of the Friends of Europe and Member of the Astana Club.  


Jan Mattson

Passionate about sustainable development and social justice, Jan always seeks to promote partnerships across sectors that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Jan is concurrently Board Chair of two social enterprises. Everimpact, registered in France, is based on an innovative technology to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. SolarSack, registered in Denmark, is using solar radiation to provide safe and affordable drinking water to poor people in the developing world. He is also Chair of the Museum of United Nations – UN Live, a cultural institution working globally to stimulate local action towards the Sustainable Development Goals. 


For three decades, until 2014, Jan made a career within the United Nations, advancing to the level of Under-Secretary-General, reporting directly to Secretary-Generals Kofi Anan and Ban Ki-Moon, with responsibilities for development, humanitarian and peace-building operations. From 2014-2019, he served as Inspector, reporting to the Board of the World Bank Group on compliance with social and environmental safeguards of investments.


Jan is a Swedish national. He has a Ph. D. in Engineering, with a focus on management of technological change. 

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